Real estate terms can get your buyers in a tongue twister and find themselves thinking and re-thinking every real estate listing. Though the property may be exactly as mentioned, descriptive write-ups are subjective and often contain confusing catchphrases to lure in the consumer. There are better ways to capture attention and provide useful meaningful information. Here’s how to help your seller get their home sold quicker and get your buyer to embrace everything about their potential new home.
The one you’ve been waiting for
It is said that there is a buyer for every house. Buyers want to check off important boxes before committing to purchase a property. Help buyers decide on whether or not the home is the one they have been waiting for by backing up your realtor terminology and allowing them to connect and engage through 3D virtual tours. Virtual tours benefit the buyer and remove the waiting period to view a property by providing online access 24 hours a day.
Lovingly cared for and pride of ownership
Your seller wants you to showcase their property and be proud of the way they have taken care of it. Using the pride of ownership real estate term announces the esthetic of the home but you can showcase the property in its’ entirety through immersive 3D tours combined with 360° images and floor plans. Show your seller that you are proud to represent their home by using tools like iGUIDE® that encompass everything you need to market a property.
Exudes character
You help a home exude character through staging. Virtually staging a home can make a floor plan come to life. Homebuyers often want to picture their furniture within a property to see if suits the character they are looking for. The National Association of Realtors reports that more than 82 percent of buyer’s agents said staging helps buyers visualize the property as potentially being theirs. Exuding character is one realtor terminology that you can breathe life into with staging. You can virtually create realistic lighting, intriguing potential floor plan renovations and alternate colours.
Move-in ready
The real estate term, move-in ready, may not always describe a seller’s property in the eyes of potential buyers. For a home to be ready to move in, first the buyer must be able to understand the fit and flow of every space. Advanced measurement allows buyers to prepare for potential construction changes while avoiding costly “guesstimates” for things like painting, new cabinets and flooring replacement. Capturing accurate numbers in 3D space helps get any home ready for move-in day or renovation day.
Priced to sell and motivated sellers
Your seller wants to get their home sold with the least amount of hassle in the quickest amount of time. All sellers want to sell, otherwise, why would they go through the motions of placing their home on the market? But when you select the realtor terminology “priced to sell” and “motivated sellers” you send a message to the consumer that sellers will consider all offers even though the listing price is already low. When these tactics don’t seem to be working it will benefit you to examine your analytics to see how many online visits the property is getting. Valuable insight is gained when you can see where your referrals are being generated over time. Sharing the information with the seller can help them understand when the price to sell is not driving interest. Analyzing how many visits to the listing and the duration of each visit help to redirect your marketing efforts to get the home sold.
Original owners
Does the real estate term “original owner” have any effect on selling the house? This term is meant to form a connection between the buyer and seller. However, forming an emotional connection with the house can be achieved through information. Immersive 3D tours and floor plans get the consumer to interact with the home. Viewers can navigate from room to room or floor to floor to fully investigate every space. When it’s a connection you want, help the buyer connect the dots between 2D and 3D spaces to gain a deeper understanding of the whole house. Once a connection is formed it won’t matter if there have been one or one hundred owners before them.
As is where is
The “as is where is” realtor terminology is often a red flag that the property has structural or mechanical issues. A sort of “enter at your own risk” purchase. Many of these types of properties have great potential to improve the floor plan or complete a renovation. But it is definitely “Buyer beware” when making an offer.
A few real estate terms can give you a snapshot picture of a property. But if you want the whole picture you need accurate measurements, floor plans, 3D virtual tours and 360° images. All the information, every time for every listing.